1. Name and e-mail. Blog address. Please take a "selfie" and include it on your blog.
Jonathan Berumen
2. What’s your major? What year will you graduate?
Visual Communication. 2020
3. Why did you choose a photography class (or photography as a major), and what do you hope to learn from school in general and this class specifically?
From school I hope to learn how to manage myself as an adult, it's not always about keeping up with grades, but keeping up with your health and social life. From the class I hope to learn Photoshop, Editing, and some knowledge on how to take photographs.
4. What are your goals after graduation? Please list your goals in reverse order, starting five years out, then three, two, one, and six months.
- 5 years I want to have a job I enjoy, I'm in fit condition. Life is good with minor obstacles.
- 3 years working at smaller companies in graphic design.
- 2 years finishing my Masters.
- 1 years work hard on my Masters.
- 6 months working at internships and sharpening my skills. Updating portfolio.
5. What artists, musicians, photographers, writers, movies, books have influenced you/your work? Drake,Kid Cudi, Kendrick Lamar, Frank Sinatra,(Earth, Wind, & Fire), Your Name ( Movie), Steal like an Artist(book), Arin Hanson (animator), Drawfee, Jaiden Animations, The Odds1out, Draw with Jazza. etc.
6. Where do you get information about current national and international events?
From My CNN app, Twitter, Youtube.
7. Are there any important websites that you are referencing for art/photo competitions and/or information? What websites do you regularly visit? What TV programs?
I don't necessarily have websites, the pace where I can find the most inspiration is on my Instagram feed and Pinterest.
8. What museums and/or galleries have you been to in the past year?
The most recent one I've visited was the Frida Kahlo, at the Dallas Museum of Art.
9. Have you had any photo projects and/ or training in the past?
No I have not.
10. What is the value of art for the artist?
I feel that for an artist it's value comes from the enjoyment of the artist. Art helps everyone distinguish themselves from the rest. Art is capable of making you special. That's from an intangible perspective. If we are talking about money, then it would have to be the people, critics, gallerists, collectors, other artist.
11. What is the value of art for the audience?
The value of art for the audience, is what it makes them feel. Art has many ways of expressing feelings, interests, and voice. Everyone has a different perspective, for one it might seem like art for the other vise-versa. They feel entertained and want more, it lights a spark of inspiration.
12. Is photography a vocation or an avocation? Isn't it possible to be both? It was your hobby and then for you to get a job in photography, can't it be both? If photography was your avocation and it's now your vocation, and you enjoy it; it won't feel like a vocation. I say if you work in photography and you enjoy it, then it is both.
13. What is your passion? I have a passion for drawing and animating. I always liked anime as a kid and it has played a part in me loving to draw. I always loved to cool poses the characters would make, or the sharp lines and details they would have. I guess I've always liked things that made me happy as a child. I was always happy when I would be by myself,focused on a drawing, and someone would be like " Hey that's cool,"or " I know that character, I love that show." I liked the attention, because artists need friends.
14.What are you afraid of? What makes you uncomfortable?
Loneliness,but I'm a very introvert person. I hate losing friends, but sometimes you get so focused on yourself that some decide to cut you off. Those who stay, you're lucky to have them. I don't like huge crowds of people, neither do I like talking about politics or serious issues. I hate being bombarded for just my opinion.
15. Do you have a passport?
Nope haven't gotten one yet, I plan to though. Visiting japan is on my bucket list.
16. Why did you sign up for this class? What do you hope to learn from it?
The basics of photography and to get to know picture editing on Photoshop. I'd like to be able to learn how to edit images that will make other happy. Cheesy I know. I want to get to know all the medias of art and find one that interests me.
17. Name three people who have influenced you and tell me how and why.
My mother for sure, she's always been so hard working, never complaining, always got me what I want even if I had to wait some time before I would get it. She makes many sacrifices for me that I will never be able to repay. She deserves the best and I hope to give it to her.
My second Mother Karen, She was my mother's boss. She has always helped me out. I feel that I take advantage of her, but she is never bothered by me. She's helped me out with my grammar issues, always given me such a positive vibe, and more of a nagger than my mom. I simply just want to make her proud. I feel after all she's helped me, I need to work hard and succeed to repay her.
It's hard to choose but it's between my Business and JROTC teacher, Mr.Green and Sgt. Prudhomme. They have been father figures to me and have taught me right from wrong and have given me advice whenever I was down. I feel they expect big of me and trust me. I became a Command Sergeant Major officer for JROTC in my Sophomore year. Usually the positions were for Juniors and Seniors but Sgt. Prudhomme entrusted me that I would perform great, a lot to ask for an immature sophomore. Mr. Green has just always instilled into me that you have to find something you love doing, and he loved teaching us, you could see it from his voice and feeling towards all my classmates and I. I'd like to make them proud.
18. Name three books (four, if one is the Bible) that have been important in your development. How have they influenced you?
Steal Like an Artist- In Steal like an Artist, I found it weird at first. I thought stealing from artist was a bad thing, but the way it was described in the book was magnificent. Everyone steals art and inspiration from someone, that is how art is. If someone likes your art, they will take small parts that interest them and apply it to theirs. I liked the different outlook.
The Odyssey- It's pretty simple, I liked that Odysseus never gave up on his journey, even though all the treacherous things that he had to go through. He still came up on top.
Paper Towns- Paper Towns was a book made by John Green, and from what I learned from it was that people
are not made of paper. They have dimensions.Our view or idea of a person will never be enough
to show all that that person really is. Because humans are complex
things.We can never really know a person. I should never make assumptions of anyone. I don't know them.
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